Saturday, June 28, 2008

Old Timey Photos

Here are the Professional Pics

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Old Time Photos

I stopped by one of those photo booths in the mall to get a few pics taken of Joshua. Megan took these during the session. I'll post the actual photos as soon as I get them:)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My New House

I have finally taken the plunge and bought myself a house! Here are a few "before" pictures.

The outside

There is MUCH painting to be done. Craig has started calling me "Picasso!"

This is Joshua's Room. It's not my favorite color scheme or theme, but it is one of the nicest rooms in the house, so I'm going to leave it like this for now and maybe change it for his 2nd birthday.


This is the spare room. I painted it this lime green that I LOVE!

This is the basement - also in pretty good shape and doesn't need painting. There are two rooms on the side - one is a 1/2 bath and the other I will use as an office.

There is a cute little shed in the backyard. I can't wait to get a playset for Joshua to put out there!

First Haircut - 28 May

Can I get shampoo?

Good-bye curls!!

I look like a litle boy again:)

Visit to DC - May 18

The Natural History Museum

Can you see us standing under the dinosaur?

Touching a dinosaur bone

The hippo is much more interesting that looking at the camera:)